Windows PC games are always interesting & evolving. Quite a long time has passed since the failure of the first part of The Division. What ruined it was not the developers’ ideas for survival and action as part of a squad in Washington after the disaster, but poor optimization, which literally drove away the entire potential audience of the project in just months.
Conclusions were made, and at the same time the graphics were updated, and now everyone can practice division 2 boosting alone or as part of a group. Understanding gameplay is very important before starting any game. Here are some of the crucial tips for beginners on playing Division 2.
Beginners Tips for playing Division 2
Explore the database and return to it regularly
- The base is your main dwelling and the place where you will receive various plot and secondary tasks. You should also put excess items and garbage in a cache for future recycling.
- At the base, you learn all the skills and perks of your hero related to shooting, collecting loot, or gaining experience and boosting in Tom Clancy Division 2.
- You don’t need to constantly run to base when you gain a new level or equipment that needs to be left in a cache – just open the interactive map and press the fast travel button.
Don’t perform non-essential operations right away
In Division 2 you will have a number of story missions and several major operations that you can perform at will.
If you do them right away, you will receive fixed experience for those levels that are already quite easy to achieve, but in the future, it will be more difficult to do this.
It is better to postpone the development of your character and return to these tasks later. Then, your Leveling in Division 2 will be much more effective.
Weapon and equipment levels
- As your gaming level grows, you will find more and more valuable weapons and equipment. In addition to power and characteristics, they are also divided into types, and you need to select the weapons with which you are more comfortable playing.
- For example, one player will do just fine with a level 12 assault rifle, fighting it only at medium distances, while another player will do just fine with a level 9 assault rifle for a long stretch of levels and boosting into Division 2.
- Remember to change and experiment with weapons. Firstly, you need equipment with a different supply of ammunition so as not to always lose your combat potential, and secondly, you can find your favorite weapon format and never part with it.
- Be sure to try out an assault rifle – this is the most convenient type of weapon at literally any distance.
- In long-range combat, it is almost a sniper rifle due to firing one cartridge at a time, provided that you have a good scope, or you have gotten used to hitting using only the front sight.
- At medium distances, this is a killer weapon if you know how to fire three rounds so that all of them reach the target, or at least part of it.
- In close combat, only shotguns and machine guns can compete with it – other equipment simply has no chance.
- Be sure to have a secondary weapon. If you have a rifle in your hands, take a machine gun with a different type of ammunition for quick damage in close combat or a shotgun, which often leaves no chance for an enemy who comes too close.
Vulnerable parts of enemies
You should remember that everyone around you is a living player, or NPCs also don’t want to die from small arms fire, so they are constantly looking for ways to improve their equipment.
To defeat enemies faster and more efficiently, remember body zones and the degree of damage. This will be useful for your boosting in the Tom Clancy Division:
- The head is difficult to hit, especially while moving, but it is practically guaranteed to destroy the enemy when hit in this area with any weapon.
- The neck is not protected, and the damage will be serious and fatal, an excellent point for firing three rounds.
Torso – It is not recommended to aim at the body. This is the most protected part of the operative’s body due to body armor and an offset body when holding small arms.
Hands – You can shoot at the hands to disrupt the enemy’s accuracy, and also the hands are at the same level as the body. You won’t be able to kill him right away, but the damage will be done.
Legs – You can shoot at the legs to limit the movement of opponents. You are also unlikely to kill the target right away, but you will force the enemy to take cover.
What to upgrade first for your operative?
As you level up in Division 2, you will accumulate improvement points for your agent, which must be immediately sent to receive benefits in the future.
To begin with, it is recommended that you further increase your experience gain and quickly unlock new perks and gameplay features.
To do this, you need to upgrade the skill – Special Successes.
Next, you can upgrade your parsing skills to the second level.
As you play through Division 2 zones, you will receive many items. Most of them will turn out to be ordinary garbage, which is better to be recycled in order to obtain resources for future production. Parsing skill increases the chance of finding more valuable resources and materials.
Don’t sell everything
Even the most low-value items are resources for future crafting. You will not be able to sell them profitably, and at the same time, you will lose the chance of good resources for the future improvement of your operations.
Just mark all the items in your inventory so as not to get confused, and then recycle all unnecessary and low-value items into resources.
You can capture and control key points in the region to obtain resources and boost the Division, equipment, and weapons.
To do this, you need to storm the outpost alone or with the support of your allies.
To do this, you need to knock out opponents from the zone, and then you will gain access to supplies.
But capturing an object is not the most difficult task, because you choose the direction and intensity yourself – it is more difficult to keep it from counter-attacks.
A machine gun, which will definitely be located at the base, can help you in this matter.
Don’t stand still
Your task in battle is to constantly move, but maintain the initiative so that opponents are constantly unable to act freely.
This is done using suppressive fire and constantly changing the firing point. This is done not only so that the enemy can simply shoot this area with weapons, but also against throwing grenades at your position.
Armor repair
As equipment is used and damaged, it will wear out, become damaged, and become unusable.
You can learn the armor repair perk for points that you get for leveling in Division 2 and activate a special drone for yourself that will fly around you and slowly patch up your armor. When it’s completed, the drone will even be able to heal you or your allies.
Reduced cooldown of active perks
As you level up, your character will begin to have active perks that will have a long cooldown for repeated use, but there is a trick to reduce it.
To do this, at the moment the skill ends, activate it again. It will stop working, but its recharge will be reduced by almost half.
Order a boost
If you are unable to pump up your character on your own and accumulate good equipment through crafting or drops, then you can buy the Division 2 Skycoach boost.
This is a professional service that will take control of your character and complete all the tasks necessary for you.
You will receive guarantees of anonymity and financial insurance for all valuable items on your account.
When the process is completed, you will receive a notification and will be able to log into your account and change your password. Do this right away because the service only provides guarantees for the duration of the order and the verification and confirmation stage. However, in case of problems with the game administration, you can always count on Skycoach employees to help.
As a bonus, you will receive all the items that the Skycoach booster manages to obtain during the task. You will find them in your stash.
Conclusion :
Walkthrough tips of Division 2 will help you to achieve great success during your gameplay. If you still face any difficulties or are stuck somewhere then you can simply comment for expert advice.
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