Creating an effective marketing video can be a fun learning process. Whilst you do have to consider technical factors, such as format, post-production editing, and marketing, there is a lot of room for creativity. Producing an engaging video that customers will be drawn to isn’t as easy as you may think. Spouting information about your company in front of a pretty and colorful backdrop, throwing confetti in the air whilst your business theme song plays in the background may not cut it if you want to grow your brand.
How To Make Great Marketing Videos
Ensuring the subject, message, and variety of videos are optimized could be the deciding factor on whether people would rave about your business or laugh at the low-quality and cliché attempt at marketing. Rather than reading or writing information, experts believe that 95% of a message is best retained through video format. Therefore, it is important to give your marketing videos everything you have, whilst keeping them professional, authentic, and insightful.
1] Use The Best Tools
Filming marketing content on your smartphone using the built-in video function and a cheap video editor may seem like a convenient, low-cost option. However, using the correct tools and software in order to produce high-quality content is key. There is no point in planning out an entire video if pre- and post-production fail to meet the standard that viewers are looking for.
People are less likely to watch a video filmed from a cracked lens, with someone’s giant finger sticking out in front of the camera. People are drawn to quality content, and in order for your brand to be represented in the best way, you’ll need the best tools. For instance, researching to find a reputable video maker for iOS, Android and web might be a good first step.
2] Choose The Right Subject
People are drawn to smiley, authentic, and energetic individuals who not only know their stuff but also exude passion for what they are sharing with the world. If you can find the most charismatic, articulate, and bubbly person in your company to represent you, you’ll most likely not regret it.
Those who know the most about marketing, filmmaking and the overall intent of your video don’t necessarily have to be the ones in front of the camera. They can be in charge of directing this person and writing the script. If your subject isn’t used to being on film, you may risk losing audience engagement due to their inability to break away from their monotonic habits and unpleasant faces of focus and nervousness.
3] Come Up With A Clear And Concise Script
You don’t necessarily need an elaborate script or storyboard, as long as you get your message across. Delving too far into the gritty details of your company may only confuse or lose the interest of your viewers.
Being clear, concise, and confident is key to ensuring your marketing video is one of the best. Approaching the script in a unique way and guaranteeing that the topics covered are interesting and valid will also boost your success rate. Instead of creating a video that dozens of other companies have used or replicated, be original and bring your company’s flare to the forefront. As explored above, adopting a personal approach is another key factor.
Writing an informative outline with no room for ad lib or sincerity may risk resulting in a bland video that no one would watch past ten seconds.
4] Ensure Diversity
Variety is crucial in making sure that your online visitors stay engaged. Whilst one-off videos can make a lasting impression, if you post five to ten short videos that continue on from the last, you are improving your chances of people staying on your site and boosting your overall level of customer engagement. Posting videos on not only your website but also social media and other platforms will also increase your viewership.
However, instead of simply posting five videos, filmed in the same format, you may want to consider branching out and exploring other avenues as well. For example, instead of filming in a conventional, face-to-face format, you may consider filming in a more story-telling nature, like an actual movie with voice-overs and several scenes. The more diverse the videos are, the more potential there is to grab and hold attention.
Other video types you may want to consider include
- Branding
- How-to’s
- Tutorials
- Product showcasing
- Personalized
- Responding to customers
- Customer testimonials
- Animations
- Webinars
Customer testimonials have been suggested to have an effectiveness rating of 89%, compared to other forms of video marketing. Customers are more likely to respond well to the experiences and recommendations of those who have already invested in your brand, rather than from someone simply telling them to. As explored above, if you present these testimonials in an engaging, creative way—whether through an interview or cinematic format—your video will most likely draw more people in.
5] Showcase Your Values
Allowing customers an insight into your brand’s values is an effective marketing tool when creating a video. Instead of simply promoting yourselves and what you’re selling, raising awareness to an important social or environmental cause, for example, may allow customers to feel motivated to look further into your cause in order to contribute to these wider problems and/or campaigns. Knowing that a business is socially or environmentally aware, or customer-minded instead of self-indulged and greedy boosts their appeal.
The best ways to make a great video focuses on the concepts of personalization, creativity, and diversity. People are more likely to flock to your website if your content offerings vary, from brand information to customer testimonials to animations. The more vibrant and charismatic your video subject is, the more likely you are to attract more viewers and, as a result, more website traffic. Moreover, filming in different formats, representing your company’s values, and writing scripts that not only provide clear and concise information but also allow the customer to relate and feel enlightened, are key ways to create a powerful marketing video that will surely create an impact and leave a lasting impression.
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