When a credit card is misused, the first obvious step is to get your card blocked. But there is a bigger problem. It’s about your online identity. We have a lot of data about ourselves on the internet. Data like birthdate, address, phone number, etc. are used in our Bank accounts. If someone has all the right details, he can call in Customer Care and pretend that it’s you. That said, it’s not only vital that you do not expose these data, but it’s also essential to safeguard them.
The worst part is that data breach doesn’t happen all of a sudden. Scammers could be collecting your data for years, and things like SSN, Birthdate, phone numbers don’t change often. Identity theft can happen for years to come. Data breaches can expose information that typically doesn’t change like your SSN, birth date, or name.
Norton LifeLock review
Many a time, your data is breached, but they aren’t used immediately. You get tracked, over time, and then one day all of a sudden, a fraud happens. Even worse – many people don’t get to know about it instantly. That’s where services like LifeLock comes into the picture. Here is the list of features:
Norton LifeLock VPN Features
Block Cyberthreats
- Norton technology blocked 142 million threats a day
- It makes sure that your information is blocked on public Wi-Fi with a Secure VPN
- Norton antivirus software comes as part of the package.
Detect and Alert
- It continuously monitors for threats to your identity
- If it detects any potential thread, you get an alert by phone, text, email, or mobile app.
- It can monitor if your details are used anywhere to open payday loans, credit applications, and utility services. If someone spoils it, you will not know until you generate a credit card score.
Restore and Reimburse
- The service also offers Identity Restoration Agents work to resolve ID theft issues
- The service works hard to get reimbursement of funds stolen due to ID theft up to the limit of your plan
Once you authorize LifeLock, they can do a lot of work for you. For any fraud, they can contact merchants, credit bureaus, and financial institutions. Since they have your permission, they will be able to act way faster. However, I would advise that you should always make sure to connect to the bank and talk about the fraud.
It is recommended that you also use Norton LifeLock VPN mobile app. Since the app will respond a lot faster, and you have it always on the phone, get notified on the go is a critical feature. I would love it if this feature were available with Banks. They could have asked me about a high-value transaction through the app or SMS if I am not reachable or miss the call. A few banks also offer the option to disable credit card temporarily.
LifeLock Mobile App Features
When using the mobile app, the patented LifeLock Identity Alert System will send alerts directly to your mobile device. It makes sure that you can respond to signals right away.
If there is an activity you think looks suspicious, the service agents will be able to help you to get it resolved. The app offers an in-app messaging feature for faster response.
In the event your identity is used without your permission, you can use in-app calling to get in touch with Member Services. With their Advantage or Ultimate Plus, then you can also get access to Credit Score. There are a lot of agencies that are asked to check about your credit score, which includes Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. It is not easy for anyone to keep track of all three.
- Easy access to credit information with your annual One-Bureau or Three-Bureau credit score.
- Track month-to-month changes to your Equifax credit information. It is provided by VantageScore 3.0 credit scores based on data from Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion, respectively.
- It also includes dark web monitoring, fictitious identity monitoring, court records scanning, and investment account activity alerts.
It is a good idea to choose a monthly plan if you are using a high-value credit card or perform high-value transactions regularly. LifeLock costs you $9 a month, and that’s not much if you want to make sure you don’t get into a fraud.
LifeLock Family Plan Features
Norton LifeLock VPN offers a family plan which was introduced recently. It allows you to cover up to 5 devices under Norton 360 with LifeLock Select, and ten devices if you select Advantage plan. Each member gets access to the VPN as well.
When you choose the Advantage plan, you get access to Bank Account & Credit Card Activity Alerts, and alerts on Crimes Committed in Your Name. They also offer an Ultimate Plan which offers Annual 3 Bureau Credit Reports + Credit Scores, and 401(k) & Investment Account Activity Alerts.
Norton LifeLock in an innovative service that will protect your online identity and ensure your cyber safety. Lifelock plans start from $8.99 per month. It will not only safeguard your online presence, but also reimburse you for any loss you may incur.